What we got wasn't quite what we were hoping for.

If we couldn't get the real stuff (F13), maybe the generic brand (Bloody Murder) would do the trick. Jason was still in development hell, and while Jason X was in the works, we were certainly far away from the '80s heyday of annual releases. In 2000, it had been seven years since Jason Goes to Hell, Freddy vs. At that point, there was even a hope among some of us that this could turn out to be a direct-to-video franchise that could in some way fill the gap the lack of new Friday the 13ths had left. A camp slasher with a killer wearing a hockey mask and carrying a chainsaw, the way Jason Voorhees is often depicted in pop culture references despite the fact that he's never actually used a chainsaw himself? A killer called Trevor Moorehouse, a name very similar to Jason Voorhees? This was obviously a Friday the 13th ripoff and wasn't afraid to admit it, and a lot of the F13 fans were interested in checking it out.
Bloody murder movie movie#
When word of Bloody Murder's impending DVD release started going around back in 2000, the movie got a lot of attention on the Friday the 13th message board I was frequenting then. Julie is assigned to share a cabin with a co-counselor and though the girls would seem to have little in common - our heroine has lived in the same small town all her life, her cabinmate spent her childhood moving all over the world - they manage to bond over "Guam cigarettes" and the fact that they've both lost a parent. Also in the group are a pair of exes, a couple red shirt fodder types, a desperately horny nerd who, this being the era of Scream, also likes to work his knowledge of horror movies into his exchanges, and a guy who's pursuing a relationship with final girl Julie (whose father has warned her about him), but is also willing to go off with any other girl who shows interest. I didn't realize this was anyone's expectation after being injured in a sporting event. Among the counselors are a couple guys with perhaps the most nonsensical reason for a rivalry ever - one broke his knee while running in track qualifications against the other and now hates his former opponent for not quitting the track team after that. Now Camp Placid Pines is being re-opened and a fresh group of counselors have arrived before the start of the six week camping season to help the camp director get the place in working condition.